Doc 19

File 2012/01/Doc-19.jpg
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 Posted by at 11:54

  One Response to “Doc 19”

  1. Doc 19 states Ezekiel Harrington died in 1841. Doc 4 and his tombstone say 1846.

    Doc 19 speaks about ‘something radically wrong’ with the dates on the tombstones of Ezekiel Harrington & Lydia Cotton. I take it they mean the disparity in ages as presented in this document. I’m not paying any attention to it. The dates in doc 4 (the NSDAR application) are perfectly acceptable and I’m thinking they are more reliable.

    Doc 19 also has a problem with which Ezekiel Harrington was the father of Anna Harrington. I’m going with doc 4.

    Doc 19 has a problem with Joseph Harrington. It appears whoever wrote this document was working from another document which held more information, but I don’t believe I have a copy of the original piece of paper,unless it is doc 20.

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