Agua Caliente, AZ Add comments One Response to “Agua Caliente, AZ” admin says: May 9, 2012 at 13:11 Agua Caliente is a ghost town in Maricopa County, a few miles north of the Sentinel exit on I-8. The name comes from natural hot springs which dried up when ground water was pumped out for irrigation. There are quite a few ruins and a graveyard. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Type your comment in this box. Click anywhere in this box and this text will disappear. You don't have to enter a name or email address, but please know that comments have to be vetted or the spammers would overrun my page. Your comment will show up in a day or two. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty
Agua Caliente is a ghost town in Maricopa County, a few miles north of the Sentinel exit on I-8. The name comes from natural hot springs which dried up when ground water was pumped out for irrigation. There are quite a few ruins and a graveyard.