Birds Add comments Burrowing Owl Gila Woodpecker Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker Gilded Flicker Great Blue Heron Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Hummingbird Kestrels Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Swainsons Hawk Verdin Verdin Verdin Vermillion Flycatcher Leave a Reply Cancel reply Type your comment in this box. Click anywhere in this box and this text will disappear. You don't have to enter a name or email address, but please know that comments have to be vetted or the spammers would overrun my page. Your comment will show up in a day or two. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty