Baliscate Standing Rocks

 Posted by at 19:00

  One Response to “Baliscate Standing Rocks”

  1. It is not easy to find the Balliscate Standing Stones. We had a heckuva time so I have included these pictures as an aid. Start by walking up the steep hill from the the Tobermory Distillery. At the top of the hill, there is a roundabout. Take the exit marked A848. Walk along A848 until you get to the Mull Pottery on the right side of the road. The whole walk is probably a little more than a half mile. On the right side the small shopping area where the Mull Pottery is, there is a road pictured above as ’01 -the start’. Follow the pictures to find the Balliscate Standing Stones. The road deteriorates and finally disappears. Do not be daunted. The trail will appear to disappear, but continue between the fences until you see the gate on the right. Go through the gate walk up the hill paralleling the rock wall. The stones will be at the top of the hill. The stones are cool and the view is pretty good too.